• 諾拉‧瓊絲(Norah Jones),係印度西塔琴大師拉維‧香卡的親生女兒,1979年出生於紐約。曾經獲得九六、九七年Down Beat雜誌頒發給學生的「最佳爵士歌手獎」,但是她的唱腔比較接近「民謠搖滾+爵士樂」的融合類型,甜美的音色外面罩著一層朦朧飄邈的神秘感,不但能彈的一手好鋼琴,其創作的作品充滿了濃厚的鄉村民謠曲風和爵士與藍調的元素。2002年秋天,簽入Blue Note,成為Blue Note音樂大廠中最年輕的爵士女伶。
      諾拉瓊絲不但彈的一手漂亮的爵士鋼琴,自彈自唱的功力更是驚人。在今年二月發表的專輯「遠走高飛」(Come Away With Me)算是她的第一張專輯,多才多藝的她被定位為「爵士世界裡的艾莉西雅‧凱斯」。在此張專輯中,諾拉瓊絲亦展現了不凡的詞曲創作功力和編曲才華。  
  • Come away with me in the night
    Come away with me
    And I will write you a song

    Come away with me on a bus
    Come away where they can't tempt us
    With their lies

    I want to walk with you
    On a cloudy day
    In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
    So won't you try to come

    Come away with me and we'll kiss
    On a mountaintop
    Come away with me
    And I'll never stop loving you

    And I want to wake up with the rain
    Falling on a tin roof
    While I'm safe there in your arms
    So all I ask is for you
    To come away with me in the night
    Come away with me

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