• Ai-Ying老師每當在跟孩子談論生命的議題時.都會提到這部電影.

  • 生老病死是每個人走在人生旅途上必經的四個過程.有一天.我們心愛的家人都將會離開.要以坦然的心去接受與面對....

    Laugh and cry, live and die 笑和哭.生與死
    Life is a dream we are dreaming 人生就是一場夢.而我們就在夢中
    Day by day I find my way 日復一日.我尋找我的方向
    Look for thd soul and the meaning 找尋我的靈魂跟人生的意義
    Then you look at me 這時你看護著我
    And I always see 而我總能看見(知道)
    What I have been searching for
    I'm lost as can be 什麼是我曾經追尋那些我可能失去的(東西.方向)
    Then you look at me 此時你仍然看護著我.
    And I am not lost anymore 我不會再迷失了
    People run, sun to sun 人們追逐著太陽.
    Caught in their lives ever flowing 過度奢求他們的生活
    Once begun life goes till it's gone 生命自有源頭.而後至盡頭
    We have to go where it's going 我們就該去應該去的地方
    Then you look at me 這時你看護著我
    And I always see 而我總能看見(知道)
    What I have been searching for
    I'm lost as can be 什麼是我曾經追尋那些我可能失去的(東西.方向)
    Then you look at me 此時你仍然看護著我.
    And I am not lost anymore 我不會再迷失了
    And you say you see
    When you look at me 當你看著我的時候.你說你都看到了
    The reason you love life so 這就是你深愛生命的理由
    Though lost I have been 雖然我曾經迷失
    I find love again 我現在又找到了愛
    And life just keeps on running
    And life just keeps on running 生命就是不斷前進.不停歇
    You look at me and life comes from you 你看護著我.而生命也來自於你

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