  • 凱瑟琳經營一家兒童書店,與喬所經營的大型廉價書店相隔不遠。同時凱瑟琳與喬亦是一對彼此欣賞卻不知對方真實身份的網友。
  • 凱瑟琳的童書店生意因無法維繫而面臨關閉的窘境,因此她非常痛恨大型開設廉價書店的喬……
  • ................
  • Funny how I feel more myself with you
    Than anybody else that I ever knew
    I hear it in your voice, see it in your face
    You've become the memory I can't erase

    You could have been anyone at all
    A stranger falling out of the blue
    I'm so glad it was you

    It wasn't in the plan, not that I could see
    Suddenly a miracle came to me
    Safe within your arms, I can say what's true
    Nothing in the world I would keep from you

    You could have been anyone at all
    An old friend calling out of the blue
    I'm so glad it was you

    Words can hurt you, if you let them
    People say them and forget them
    Words can promise, words can lie
    But your words make me feel like I can fly

    You could have been anyone at all
    A net that catches me when I fall
    I'm so glad it was you

    You could have been anyone at all
    An old friend calling out of the blue
    I'm so glad it was you

    Anyone at all
    Anyone at all
    Anyone at all
    So glad it was you

    Ruth Ai-Ying 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()