目前分類:音樂 (185)

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  • 專輯介紹 - 從KKBOX摘錄

  • 單飛之後的「窈窕美眉」瑪莉特Marit Larsen隨著首張專輯《埋藏心底Under The Surface》的發行,締造出色非凡成績。令人耳目一新的再出發,瑪莉特蛻變成獨樹一格的創作精靈,而不再只是當初那個以「窈窕美眉M2M」創下銷售佳績的甜美女孩!瑪莉特的首張專輯不僅獲得暢銷上的成功,這位創作精靈更藉由首張專輯,帶領聆聽者以一個更深入、更寬廣的角度來認識她和欣賞她的作品,讓瑪莉特的音樂本身,變成吸引人們注意的耀眼本質!相隔兩年,瑪莉特以平易近人的態度,兼顧著超凡的音樂品質,帶來她的全新第二張全創作專輯《愛 從春天開始The Chase》。新作有著簡單入耳的曲調、獨樹一格旋律、迷人的新民謠曲風、充滿質感的古典樂音、甚至是帶有實驗氣息的藍草音符Bluegrass。《The Chase》保留著些許首張專輯《Under The Surface》的熟悉氣味。除了滿滿的創作自由度依舊暢快之外,卻多了更多令人雀躍的音樂編排,再次證明這位創作精靈過人的感受力。

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  • 資料來源KKBOX百萬音樂http://www.kkbox.com.tw/funky/22/22_6_6752_0_0_0.html
  • 傑森瑪耶茲(Jason Mraz)出生美國維吉尼亞的一個樸實小鎮,在紐約唸大學時主修音樂劇;有一天他拿起吉他,突然發現自己的天命,於是便在畢業之後,跑到聖地牙哥當起街頭藝人。在這段時期,傑森瑪耶茲和自稱是靈媒的流浪漢成為心靈夥伴,他也開始四處流浪探索人生,在這過程當裡,傑森很幸運遇到生命中的貴人:知名音樂人鼓手Toca Rivera,兩人一同演出的精彩現場表演紀錄,也成為當時美國網路間最廣為流傳的行家級必備珍藏。

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  • 資料來源錫安與我 / Zion and Me http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ZionandMe/125933
  • A little boy of thirteen / 13歲的小男孩
    was on his way to school / 在上學途中
    He heard a crowd of people laughing / 聽到不遠處的人群中傳來陣陣笑聲
    and he went to take a look / 他好奇地上前觀看

    Thousands were listening / 上千人正在專注地聽
    to the stories of one man / 一個人說故事
    He spoke with such wisdom / 他是如此有智慧
    even the kids could understand / 出口的話,甚至小孩都能明白

    The hours passed so quickly / 時間流逝得飛快
    The day turned into night / 天色轉為昏暗
    Everyone was hungry / 每個人都餓了
    But there was no food in sight / 但眼前沒有食物

    The boy looked in his lunch box / 男孩看看自己的午餐盒
    At the little that he had / 他所有的不多
    He wasn't sure what good it'd do / 他不確定自己能幫上什麼忙
    there were thousands to be fed / 千人需要吃飽啊!

    But he saw the twinkling eyes of Jesus / 但他看見耶穌閃亮的雙眼
    the kindness in His smile / 和藹的微笑
    and the boy cried out / 男孩大喊
    with the trust of a child / 以一個孩子單純的信心
    he said: / 他說:

    Take my five loaves and two fishes / 我這裡有五個餅,二條魚
    Do with it as you will / 你可以拿去由你使用
    I surrender / 我把它們交出來
    Take my fears and my inhibitions / 挪去我的恐懼和猶豫躊躇
    All my burdens, my ambitions / 挪去我的重擔,我的野心
    You can use it all / 都交給你
    to feed them all" / 去幫助(餵飽)有需要的人

    I often think about that boy / 我常想起那個小男孩
    when I'm feeling small / 當我覺得自己很渺小
    and I worry that the work I do / 我擔憂我手作的工
    means nothing at all / 什麼意義都沒有

    But every single tear I cry / 但我流下的一滴淚
    is a diamond in His hands / 在祂手中都像鑽石般珍貴
    and every door that slams in my face / 而我受的每個困難
    I will offer up in prayer / 在禱告中,我交託給祂

    So I'll give you every breath that I have / 所以我將我的氣息獻給祢
    Oh Lord, you can work miracles / 喔!我的主,祢能行奇蹟
    All you need is my "Amen" / 祢只需要我的甘心樂意

    So take my five loaves and two fishes / 所以,拿走我的五個餅、二條魚
    Do with it as you will / 拿去按祢的心意使用
    I surrender / 我棄械投降
    Take my fears and my inhibitions / 挪去我的恐懼和猶豫躊躇
    All my burdens, my ambitions / 挪去我的重擔,我的野心
    You can use it all / 都交給你

    I hope it's not too small / 我希望,我所獻上的不會太微小

    I trust in you, I trust in you / 我信靠祢,我信入祢

    So take my five loaves and two fishes / 所以,拿走我的五個餅、二條魚
    Do with it as you will / 拿去按你的心意使用
    I surrender / 我屈膝俯伏
    Take my fears and my inhibitions / 挪去我的恐懼和猶豫躊躇
    All my burdens, my ambitions / 挪去我的重擔,我的野心
    You can use it all / 祢有全權使用它

    No gift is too small / 沒有一個奉獻,在祢眼裡是微不足道的

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  • 天王製作人Babyface發掘,傳奇天后卡洛金力捧的創作才女
    卡洛金 : 「Corrinne寫的歌,有一種能讓心靈平靜的美感」

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  • Telemann Fantasie (Frans Brüggen on his famous Bressan Treble recorder (1967)
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  • Something different!!!!! :)))))
    Song: Seed To Sow

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  • 這是一個鋼琴演奏版
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  • 非常好聽的雙簧管協奏曲
  • 作曲家也為木笛寫了不少作品,是版主非常喜愛的一位音樂家
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  • ...........實在是太好笑了
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  • 詹姆仕布朗特
  • 英國雙冠王James Blunt 出身於正統的軍人家庭,在這個視音樂為
    噪音的家庭中,很難想像James Blunt 是如何得到音樂的靈感的。

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  • Daniel Powter performing his new song, Just like Heaven, fused with superman returns. enjoy! Luke Rea Johnston
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  • Just Like Heaven

    Show me how you do that trick

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  •  was made the wrong way
    Won’t you do me the right way

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  • Per-Olov Kindgren plays his arrangement of Beatles love song "And I love Her"
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  • Bach BWV 1002 From Suite No. 1 for  unaccompanied violin in B-minor. Imagine this can be played om a single violin!! Amazing!
    "Sarabande" was originally a fast dance from Latin America, often with a sexual undertone. It was banned from several European countries but at the end of the 17th. century it changed and got a more religious and serious sound. No dancing!! :)

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