Seasons in the Sun/陽光下的季節
Terry Jacks/泰瑞傑克斯
加拿大籍的Terry Jacks/泰瑞傑克斯70年代以一首「Seasons in the Sun/陽光下的季節」成為全球家喻戶曉的歌手,這首1974年的經典冠軍曲,原曲是由比利時創作歌手Jacques Brel/傑克斯布瑞爾,所創作的法文歌-"Le Moribond" (The Dying Man)法文的原意是「臨終的人」。正因當時他得知自己患了癌症,把想對他的父親、好朋友和愛人的臨終遺言寫成這首"Le Moribond"。這支帶有勵志色彩的歌曲,後來經由傑克斯布瑞爾的美籍歌手朋友Rod MaKuen將歌中的故事翻成了英文,才開始在北美流傳。1973年加拿大歌手Terry Jacks/泰瑞傑克斯,把這首法文歌翻唱成英文版的「Seasons in the Sun/陽光下的季節」,除了在加拿大大受歡迎之外,也分別在英、美兩國都登上排行冠軍。而當年國內的柯達軟片也曾使用了這首歌作為廣告配樂,溫情的廣告訴求配合上這首”有故事的歌”溫暖的旋律,讓產品和好歌相得益彰,在電視密集強力曝光後,「Seasons in the Sun/陽光下的季節」也成了當年詢問度最高的電視廣告曲之一。
Goodbye to you, my trusted friend.再見啦 我最愛的朋友們
Weve known each other since were nine or ten.9、10歲時 你我就相知相識
Together we climbed hills or trees.Learned of love and ABCs,一起爬山爬樹 一起在書本裡求知
skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.在跌跌撞撞的孩提時 學習磨練心志
Goodbye my friend, its hard to die,再見了朋友們 生離死別很難說出口….
when all the birds are singing in the sky,Now that the spring is in the air.當樹頭的鳥兒還在高唱當春天的故事才要開始
Pretty girls are everywhere.美麗的女孩圍繞你們左右
When you see them Ill be there.當你們看見世界的美好 請感受我依然在你們身邊
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.回憶在陽光下的季節 我們所有的快樂悲傷
But the hills that we climbedwere just seasons out of time.你我舊時玩耍的山丘 早已像季節一樣過時
Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me,永別了父親 請為我祈禱
I was the black sheep of the family雖然我曾是你眼中的壞孩子.
You tried to teach me right from wrong.你總是常對我循循善誘
Too much wine and too much song,wonder how I get along.懵懂的年少輕狂 日子不知是如何過
Goodbye, Papa, its hard to die再見啦父親 生離死別很難說出口….
when all the birds are singing in the sky,Now that the spring is in the air.當樹頭的鳥兒依然高唱當春天氣息才悄然報到
Little children everywhere.孩童們像天使般嘻鬧
When you see them Ill be there.當你看見世界的美好 請感受我依然在你身邊
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.回憶在陽光下的季節 我們所有的快樂悲傷
But the wine and the song,like the seasons, all have gone.但生命中的美好畢竟會隨著季節漸漸消逝..
Goodbye, Michelle, my little one.再見了 蜜雪兒我的愛人
You gave me love and helped me find the sun.是你的愛讓我找到生命中的陽光
And every time that I was downyou would always come aroundand get my feet back on the ground.在我失望無助的時後你總在身旁相互扶持
Goodbye, Michelle, its hard to die再見啦蜜雪兒 生離死別很難說出口….
when all the bird are singing in the sky,Now that the spring is in the air.當樹頭的鳥兒還在高唱當我們的故事還在上演
With the flowers evrywhere.I whish that we could both be there.生命花朵正在美麗綻放我真希望與你永遠共賞
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.回憶在陽光下的季節 我們所有的快樂悲傷
But the stars we could reachwere just starfishs on the beach曾經我們緊握在手中的星星原來只是沙灘上海星的幻影
- Nov 26 Wed 2008 19:17
season in the sun[西城男孩]