  • 「丹佛的第一任婚姻,娶了安妮·馬坦爾為妻,而後的《Annie's Song》(安妮之歌)亦是丹佛獻給愛妻的歌曲之一。後來發現丹佛有不孕的症狀後,他與安妮領養了一個兒子夏克利(Zachary)與一個女兒安娜·凱特(Anna Kate),丹佛的單曲《A Baby Just Like You》亦是以兒子為標題命名,這首歌是丹佛寫給法蘭·仙納杜拉的。」[資料來源:維基百科]
  • 普拉西多·多明哥介紹[資料來源:維基百科]
  • 約翰·丹佛介紹[資料來源:維基百科]
  • 中英歌詞翻譯對照
  • You fill up my senses
    Like a night in a forest
    Like a mountain in springtime
    Like a walk in the rain
    Like a storm in the desert
    Like a sleepy blue ocean
    You fill up my senses
    Come fill me again

    Come let me love you
    Let me give my life to you
    Let me drown in your laughter
    Let me die in your arms
    Let me lay down beside you
    Let me always be with you
    Come let me love you
    Come love me again

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